Thank you for your work Jonathan, it’s important

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Dec 11, 2023Edited
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We Can't Afford Healthcare for American Children Because We Need to Keep Bombing Everyone Else's for the Love of Jesus and Israel . . .



Ukrainian Jewish devil worshipping pedophile Marina Abramović, Jewish devil worshipping pedophile Ghislaine Maxwell, and the former mayors of San Francisco, are all devil worshipping sex weirdos . . . You can’t go anywhere in San Fransisco politics without endorsement of their satanic majesties.

Twitter Headquarters was on Market Street in the gayest most perverted city in California, San Franshitsco (sic) . . . it is Nasty Pelousy's and Gavin Newsome's festering fecal homeland, where Jew Howard Levey (a.k.a. Anton Lavey) started his gay Church of Satan.


How San Francisco's Democrats made Jim Jones, and then made his memory vanish . . .


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All I can say is, be very careful what you wish for. Beware the Law of Unintended Consequences. If you think our collective action problems are bad, just wait until you see our collective action solutions.

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I think it is worth it to ask what the alternative is. That we would collectively ignore the literature, and the salient consequences that we are seeing in our present state of inaction?

What I think you may be eluding to is caution regarding government interventions and in the potential for overcorrections. In the case of government, it seems that Haidt's call to action is balanced. He does not appear to presume that collective action problems will be solved by a coercive state (which I have never heard him speak in favor of), but rather by the engagement of thoughtful individuals (notice that the book ends on the engagement of parents).

There will be unintended consequences, sure, but do they outweigh the onslaught of teen and child suicides, depression and various other negative mental health outcomes?

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) would surely have some choice words about that. Are we really willing to sacrifice the free and open internet as we knew it? Because even some of Haidt's seemingly reasonable measures (such as mandatory age verification, which no one has designed a method yet that is both effective and protects privacy at the same time) will put that in grave (and likely permanent) jeopardy. Slopes are much, much slipperier than they appear.

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And I say this as an ardent supporter of Haidt's proposals. It's a slippery slope indeed that society might stumble hard on.

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Very true indeed.

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I concur: "protect the children" argument is being misused by three letter agencies lately in setting new mass surveillance laws.

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In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite...



F.B.I. Bought Israeli Spyware to Hack U.S. Phones . . .



Crypto Developer Found Dead 2 Days After Exposing CIA and Mossad Pedophile Ring . . .



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In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite...



F.B.I. Bought Israeli Spyware to Hack U.S. Phones . . .



Crypto Developer Found Dead 2 Days After Exposing CIA and Mossad Pedophile Ring . . .



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You can never have total, complete, 100% certainty that a solution will be effective. That's no excuse not to implement solutions at all, especially for one of the developed world's most pressing problems.

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True, but the solutions need to be carefully thought out, not a knee jerk moral panic that does more harm than good. And they must also respect the Constitution and civil/human rights as well. Have we really learned nothing from the disaster of the pandemic lockdowns and such?

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.

Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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Oh look, it's a white supremacist, er, sorry, "nationalist". LOL. Take a hike.

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Congratulations and heartfelt thanks. Pre-ordering today!

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Jonathan, your two-year outcome plan contains some of the most hopeful and essential changes that I have come across! Chapter 8 on "spiritual elevation" will be fundamental in effecting a lasting transformation that does not merely focus on reshaping our relationship with technology, but offers an avenue of hope to rehumanizing us. I will be sure to feature your "The Anxious Generation" on School of the Unconformed, whose readership will be eager to help spread the word, as it mirrors many of the "scandalous proposals" that my husband Peco and I have been writing about. Thanks for your tremendous work!

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Can't wait 🥳🥳

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It goes without saying that children should not be using phones under any circumstances, and probably adults as well. I've never owned a smart phone. I use a laptop for everything, and have an old mobile phone (from around 2008) for emergencies.

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You’re missing their diet, as crazy or more on their biochemistry as all other factors and through public schools processed lunch and non-stop snacking I personally think it may be the actually problem beneath all others as to why they cannot seem to fix any of their problems

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I doubt that children's diet is the main reason, but it's certainly a factor. Sugar, hormone enhanced meat & dairy, large portions, and constant snacking, as you point out, are probably not beneficial to humans.

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Dear Jonathan, thanks for your excellent research and for making it available in simple language to laypersons like me. I have taught undergraduate law students in India for two terms and many of your observations in the context of western countries resonated with me. I was surprised to see that some of my students would 'heart' my tweets often but ignore me completely in person. My boss, who has been teaching law for twenty years now, says he has noticed a similar change over the generation of students. I think it might be helpful to collect some anecdotal data from University professors as well.

Looking forward to your book!

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Generally, a loss of agency occurs when interactions occur with current machines. It is the difference between dealing with a human editor and a machine that does spell and grammar check. A discussion can occur with the human and some control remains in the dialogue. Forms are the culmination of loss of agency, and usually cause anxiety. I know this is somewhat unrelated to the use of social media you comment on, but I think that loss of agency it is a general characteristic of machine interactions, and its severity can be exacerbated when there are commerail interests at play, e.g. why not coerce in some profitable directions. A good article on this phenomenon can be found here:


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I am excited to read this, but I was also excited for how an 'After Babel' book was originally billed and hope we eventually get that.

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As a mom to 2 elementary aged kiddos I am REALLY looking forward to reading your seminal work. Trying to get a book club going with some other school moms, will there be a guide that eventually comes with it?

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Looking forward to reading your book when it comes out. In teaching, I have seen that most schools are already phone-free...in theory. One school I used to work in went so far as to spend 20k on pouches so kids could keep their phones but not access them during the day. It didn’t work.

Fundamentally, the phones in schools thing is a question of discipline, not policy. Teachers are told to use “positive reinforcement” for these issues -- it isn’t working. Hopefully, the fundamental changes in attitude occur for some semblance of order to return to education, but I’m not holding my breath.

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Can I preorder on Audibles? Even if I can’t I hope you put it in Audiobook format quickly after publishing. I find I retain much more by consuming most books that way....and I especially love when authors read/record their own books. It just makes it very personal & connects all the wires in my brain bc I hear you on interviews, read your Substack, and read/listen to your books - I like the full-circle impact that comes from digesting that way ☺️🙏🏼

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Definitely going to read this when it comes out. Is the 26th March date just for the US or is it releasing everywhere on the same day?

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Can't wait.

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I am so looking forward to this. Coddling was a very important read for me, which really helped inform how I raise my own daughter.

Here's some further observations I have made as a Mum & someone who has worked with kids for years.


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